The E Hayes Dashwood Foundation Accommodation for infirm ex-service people

Guests of the Foundation

Up to 100 flats are available for Guest accommodation

Any ex-Service or ex Merchant Navy person with an infirmity is eligible to apply to become a beneficiary of the Foundation (commonly known as a Guest) provided that he or she is a British or EEA National or has indefinite permission to live in the UK after discharge from the Armed Forces. The infirmity does not have to be a result of military or merchant navy service.

Applicants for housing are required show that they are in financial need and therefore eligible for charitable housing as they could not afford to rent or buy their own property. They should not own or have any share in another property in the UK or abroad.

Spouses and dependent children may reside with the Guest as a family unit although the licence to occupy always remains in the name of the appointed Guest. All family units and single Guests must be able to look after themselves as the Foundation is fundamentally a provider of housing; it does not offer care advisory or monitoring services.

Guests are appointed with a view to long-term rather than temporary occupancy. This helps towards a closer community.

Upon being appointed, the new Guest will be allocated a flat for an initial period of one year. After that, they will be offered continued rights of residence if they wish provided they have maintained their conditions of appointment. These conditions are similar to those applying to Almshouses nationally and include the right of continued Guest status for a surviving spouse or recognised partner

It may be that a Guest's housing needs will change over time and the Foundation will do its best to provide appropriately for those needs, be they for a larger or smaller property. However, the Foundation cannot guarantee to meet an assessed need for change and this could ultimately to a position of last resort where a Guest cannot remain as a beneficiary of the charity.

Guests do not pay a rent but instead a Weekly Maintenance Charge (WMC) is made as a contribution towards the upkeep of the property. This charge is always kept well within the limit of Housing Benefit/Local Housing Allowance and may be funded partly or wholly by the local authority for those who qualify.

Details of the WMC charge can be supplied at the time of application. Flats are carpeted and have central heating and a fitted kitchen with white goods provided and maintained. Guests are responsible for the payment of their own utility bills and the Council Tax. Each flat also has its' own small garden area at the rear of the property.

If you think that you might be eligible to become a Guest of the Foundation, an application form is available by post from:

  • The E Hayes Dashwood Foundation
  • Estate Office
  • 26E Radbourne Road
  • London
  • SW12 0EF

Completion of an Application Form is essential for every applicant. The form will ask you to provide full details of infirmity, income and housing need and to give evidence of military or merchant navy service. The purpose is to enable the Foundation to make a balanced assessment on the need and merit of the applicant for charitable support in housing. If you do appear to meet the criteria, you will be advised that you are a Registered Applicant. This means that your application, together with those of other Registered Applicants, will be reviewed every time a vacancy arises and that you will be notified immediately if you are selected for interview. This short-listing process has become necessary because of the large number of Registered Applicants we have. Interviews are normally conducted in London by a panel of Governors and all appointments as Guests are made on a discretionary basis and after successful interview.

Selection interviews are only held when a property is about to become available. Whilst we keep the names of Registered Applicants for as long as they wish, we do not interview for the purpose of creating a long-term waiting list.

If you think you might be eligible, you are advised to complete an Application Form and we will let you know whether you can become a Registered Applicant.

Guest vacancies can arise and be filled within quite a short time-frame.